Rats & Mice


Norway rat - Large, robust, brown, small ears, coarse fur, about 13-18” head          to tail and body is longer than tail.
Roof rat - Sleek, graceful, black, large ears, gray or white belly, about 13-             18” head to tail and tail is longer than body.
Mice - Small, slender, large ears (for size), silky, dusky gray fur, 5-71/2”                  head to tail with tail same length or a little longer than body.


Well developed highly sensitive whiskers which help them to move quickly          in the dark along walls or other objects.
•       Poor eye sight but they can detect motion in very dim light. They can                    recognize simple patterns and objects of different sizes, but they are color            blind.
•       Keen sense of smell
Well developed sense of taste
Keen sense of hearing
Excellent balance and always land on feet if it falls.
•        Excellent memory.  Memorizes pathways, hiding places, obstacles, and                water and food places.



Do not leave garbage in the building overnight.
Keep food and pet foods in sealed containers and discard left over pet food          and water before you retire to bed.
Wash and put away all pots, plates and utensils after each meal.
Clean stove, microwave, grill, etc. after each use.


Seal all holes, cracks or crevices on building through which they can enter.
Fix all leaking pipes and remove all water sources.
Use rodent resistance garbage cans.
Trim back trees touching building and keep mulch, wood chips and grass at          least 1ft from building.
Place rodent bait stations around the building.

This is a guide to help you identify and to prevent rats and mice. Please use accordingly and research the subject extensively. New ways and methods are being discovered from time to time.

References:  NPMA Field Guide to Structural Pests 2nd Edition
         Pesticide Applicator Training Manual

Prepared by: Alvin J Patterson

Servicing a kitchen